Saturday, June 14, 2014

Before and After the Rise of Humans

It's Saturday morning. I am basking in the fingers of the sun and hear the thump of traversing squirrels as they seek their peanuts on the deck. There is the distant chant of the mockingbird and every now and again another song bird puts in 2 cents, but it seems the mockingbird has the talking stick. I turn around to view the seed and nectar birds that visit our feeders. The sliding door is open and the screen welcomes the fresh air. Now the other song birds chime in, communicating tree to tree.

Draw the curtain, 0820. Hammer pounding a nail, clunk of dumpster lid, freeway traffic thrum increasing in volume as if aided by an invisible hand, and back-up beeps.

These sounds, multiple layers of life, usually the unnoticed background of our busy lives.